Please read below to see what we will be doing in science and other subject areas this week.
In other news, please note that this Wednesday is another Early Release Day so school will be letting out at 12:25pm. Please send me a note if there will be a change in transportation that day. Don't forget to send in your pledge forms for the Husky Hustle, which is this Friday! This Friday is also the Harmony Harvest! I'd like to see everyone there! I will be there with my boys and that is the night you get to bid in order to sign up for the Whitley/Coomes Girls' Night or Boys' Night! I hope you enjoyed the cooler weather this weekend...I'm looking forward to another great week! :o)
Upcoming Tests
Monday: Word Study Quiz over Pluralizing Nouns
Tuesday: Social Studies Open Response over the Native American Cultural RegionsHere is what we will be learning this week!
Math: How do we use tables to accurately interpret data? How do we accurately draw and measure angles?
*This week we will be starting Unit 3 of Everyday Math over Geometry which also incorporates some data analysis skills.Writing: What strategies do writers use to draft an effective persuasive letter?
*This week we will be using what we've learned about the art of persuasion to draft our persuasive letters.
Social Studies: How did the Native Americans of various culture regions differ from one another in their way of life? What can we learn about European explorers by examining artifacts from a sunken ship?
*We wrap up our unit about the 7 major culture regions of the Native Americans in North America and how the Native Americans used the natural resources in those areas in order to survive with an open response on Tuesday. *We will also begin studying European explorers by pretending to be archeologists examining artifacts from a sunken ship and keeping a diver's log about what those artifacts tell us about early European explorers.
Word Study: How do we change words from singular to plural form?
*Our word study quiz over the pluralization rules will be Monday followed by a study of irregular plurals for the remainder of the week.
Science/Reading: How do scientists classify living things into kingdoms?
*We will continue to learn how and why scientists classify living things using various texts to gather and interpret information.