Welcome back, kids! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope you thought about some of the learning we've done over the past weeks about the Pilgrims and the Native Americans so you can see what it is so very important that we give thanks for this wonderful country. We have a lot going on this week including 2 lessons with Mrs. Hammons, publishing our narrative articles, and 2 field trips! Also, if you signed up for the Whitley/Coomes Girls' Night Out at the Harmony Harvest please plan to stay after school with me this Friday until 4:00pm for pizza, nails, and other fun girl stuff!
*Kids, I am trying my best to upload your literature circle project videos and your brochure presentations to my blog, but I am having a lot of technical difficulties. I'll do my best to get them on this week if the computer will cooperate. :o)
Field Trip Reminders:
- Wednesday we are going to see "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" at NOHS. This is a walking field trip and we will return before lunch so no sack lunch is necessary.
- Friday we will be attending the performance of "Nutcracker in a Nutshell" at the Palace Theater in Louisville in which one of our talented classmates, Emma, will be performing! Please bring a sack lunch and a snack. We won't be eating until we return from the field trip around 12:30 so I am going to ask everyone to eat a snack around 9:00am before we leave.
Change in Homework:
I want to explain a change I am making to the nightly homework. In the past months I have been asking students to read and record their book title and pages read in their agenda followed by a parent signature each night. Now that our first round of literature circles is over though and I have seen such great reading comprehension and hard work by our students, I would like to make an alteration. I am still requesting that parents sign the agenda each night to indicate that you have seen your child's homework and any important agenda notes, but I am going to be sending home a weekly reading log to be completed a little each night (Monday-Thursday). There are various tasks to do on the log depending on the day, but all are related to the thinking strategies and are meant to help the kids with their comprehension. It will be a great way for the kids to communicate with me about what they are reading at home and I will be able to see whether or not they are comprehending what they read.
Here is what's coming up in class this week...
Upcoming Tests:
Facts Tests
Math: How do I convert fractions and decimals to percents?
This is still a continuation of our unit over fractions. We will be testing over this unit next Thursday. Once again, it has been a challenging unit, so please feel free to assist your child with homework at home. They may take home one of the purple math books I have if needed, but the math notebook should also have everything they need to help complete assignments.
Reading: What are literary devices and how they used in reading?
This week we will begin to examine literary devices and how they are used to make reading more interesting.
Social Studies: What was life like in colonial Williamsburg?
During this unit, the students will get a chance to explore the life of a person living in Williamsburg, VA during colonial times by visiting various stations in class. It is a very fun unit that allows the children to see how different colonial life was.
Word Study: Why do we use the prefixes un, mis, and im?
Writing: How do I complete and publish my narrative article? How do writers narrate as a purpose for on-demand writing?
This week we will put our finishing touches on our narrative articles and mail them off for a chance at publication in Kentuckiana Kids newspaper. We will also begin learning how to respond to on-demand prompts that ask writers to narrate as a purpose.