"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, August 29, 2014

Weekly Update ~ Week of September 1-5

Good afternoon, parents! Things continue to go exceedingly well in here! I am so impressed with these kiddos! They can earn stars each day for receiving compliments and for using excellent behavior in the common areas. Once they earn 20 stars they can choose a class reward (e.g., Pajama Day, Crazy Day, extra recess, etc.). We already have 15 stars! They are receiving compliments just about everywhere they go!
Daily Homework Reminder
Reading logs will continue next week. A new one came home today so the kids can log their reading over the weekend. Please remind your child to summarize their reading before Friday. This can be done at any point in the week.
The kids will also be using XtraMath each night Monday-Thursday.
Labor Day
Enjoy the long weekend!
Field Trip
Next Wednesday a field trip permission slip will come home for one of our favorite 5th grade traditions--a visit to Riverside, Farnsley-Moremen Landing on October 1st. Please return the form and field trip fee at your earliest convenience. I will also need 2 chaperones. Anyone interested in chaperoning must complete a background check and confidentiality training. Please check the box on the permission slip if you would like to chaperone. Below you will find some opportunities to complete the confidentiality training.
Please come to Parent Orientation next Thursday at 7pm! On this evening you will have the opportunity to learn everything you wanted to know about 5th grade and I will have a sign up sheet for classroom volunteers! If you want to complete confidentiality training so you can volunteer in our classroom, please come early at 6:30.

Our Learning Plan for Next Week

Writing: We will continue learning about the 7 habits of healthy kids to develop the leader in each child through picture books and written reflections. The kids will also have the opportunity to put together a Haiku Deck presentation on the iPads about the 7 habits to share with a younger class!
Reading: This week we will continue to work on building our reading stamina and learning how to write a good reading response.
Read Aloud: Hatchet The kids are loving it!
Math: We will continue learning number theory with a focus on squaring and unsquaring numbers as well as prime factorization. Practicing their facts at home through XtraMath will help the kids so much with this unit and throughout the entire year!
Social Studies: We will continue our study of geography including continents, oceans, latitude, and longitude, as well as geographic terms, and major physical features of the United States.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email me. You will also find this weekly update as well as other important information on our classroom blog listed in my email signature. Have a great weekend! :o)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome 5th Graders!!!

Welcome, everyone!!!  Whether you are new to Harmony or you've attended our school in the past, I would like to personally welcome you!  We already have a lot of exciting plans for the school year and I can't wait to meet you!  If you haven't gotten your school supplies yet, please remember to do so before Open House.  I hope you can all make it to Open House so we'll have the opportunity to meet in person and so you can find your seat and put away all of your materials prior to the first day!  Open House is Monday, August 18 from 5:00-7:00pm!  Hope to see you then!!