"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, October 31, 2014

Week of November 3-7

Happy Halloween!! We've had a fun and busy week in 5th grade learning about the early colonists, developing an opinion on Chief Joseph's actions as the leader of the Nez Perce, reviewing comma uses, and reviewing how to add and subtract decimals. The kids have been working really hard and it's great to have them back after Fall Break! This week we've been learning the importance of synergizing (working together) and I have to say, they are great at this!

This week’s Leader of the Week is…
Jake was selected as the Leader of the Week this week in honor of his awesome ability to synergize with his classmates!  He does an amazing job bringing his teammates together when working in a group and helping to ensure that everyone is on task.  Jake is a hard worker and a leader!   Keep it up, Jake!
Last Week's Leader of the Week was not posted to the blog!  Oops!  Here he is...
Last week’s Leader of the Week was…


Matthew W!!!
Matthew does an amazing job using the habit of “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”  He listens carefully to others, and he is a particularly active listener during mini-lessons. He is curious, thoughtful, and his questions are always on topic.  Matthew is an excellent leader in our classroom as he is always prepared and listening quietly with his “paw” up at the very start of a lesson!  Good job, Matthew!!
Upcoming Tests-
Social Studies Test over the Early Colonies on Friday, 11/7 ~ Kids can review using the chapter 6 tutorial at www.tutorial.historyalive.com.
Comma Quiz on Friday
Election Day
No school on Tuesday due to Election Day
Parents, please take a minute to answer the following questions & email your responses to me:
1. Are you receiving the Harmony Newsletter? Please note, that the Harmony Newsletter is sent via email from a noreply account and includes the Principal’s notes, as well as school and community announcements.
2. If you are not receiving the Harmony Newsletter, what is the email address where you would like to receive the Harmony Newsletter?
Here’s what we’re learning next week:
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw This habit encourages children to find a balance and make time not only for work, but also for fun.
Math: In math, we will begin learning about multiplication with a focus on estimation strategies, extended facts and multiplying multi-digit whole numbers and decimals. Kids will be asked to use the standard algorithm for solving multiplication problems.
Social Studies: We will continue learning about the early colonies of Roanoke, Jamestown, and Plymouth. Our focus it to determine why Jamestown and Plymouth were successful.
Word Study: We will continue studying the various uses of the comma and I will ask the kids to apply those uses in their own writing.
ELA: In ELA, we will continue with our Clues to a Culture unit. This week's focus will be on understanding the characteristics of opinion pieces and learning how to most effective communicate your opinion.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Native American Cultural Regions Flipped Classroom

Native American Cultural Regions Readings
Click on the links below to listen to your teachers read to you about each cultural region.  You need to take good notes on 2 regions Monday, 1 region Tuesday, 1 region Wednesday, and 1 region Thursday.  Make sure your notes are in the correct place on your graphic organizer so you don't get confused!

California-Intermountain Region

Friday, October 10, 2014

Week of October 13-17

...And our newest Leader of the Week is...
Blake W!!!
Blake was chosen as our Leader of the Week this week due to his proactive attitude and his hard work in class!  Blake definitely does a good job of putting first things first to ensure that he completes and turns in his best work.  He also seeks first to understand any lesson or assignment before he begins his work.  Way to go, Blake!
Good afternoon, parents! I have to brag on your kiddos! They earned three stars today alone!! They have been so respectful, pleasant, and hard-working, and people are taking notice. You have some awesome kids and I'm glad I get to work with them every day!
Though we only have 1 week left until Fall Break, there's a lot coming up so please read below.
Upcoming Tests-
Math Test over Place ValueThursday, 10/16
Word Study quiz over Homophones postponed until next Friday, 10/17 ~ A list of homophones to study was taped into your child's agenda Monday morning.

Harmony HarvestPlease join us for the Harmony Harvest this Saturday from 5-8pm. It is such a fun, exciting fundraiser for our school! I will be there with my children as well.
Parent- Teacher Conferences
I've had so many of you sign up for conferences and I'm looking forward to meeting with you during your scheduled time this Tuesday or Wednesday! Please be sure to be on time (or even a couple minutes early) for your scheduled conference. I want to be sure to meet with each of you for the alotted time so we can discuss your child's progress thoroughly. If you did not sign up for a conference, but would still like to discuss your child's progress, please write me a note about the best times to reach you by phone, preferably before 5:00pm.
Pennies for Patients
We had an exciting kick off to our Pennies for Patients fundraiser this afternoon! Kids may begin collecting money for Pennies for Patients now. Please be sure that any money sent in is counted, and bagged with the total indicated on a note inside the bag. This will make totaling the donations much smoother. Thanks!
Red Ribbon Week
This year's theme is "Love Yourself--Be Drug Free!" We already began talking about the importance of saying no to drugs and tobacco today, and we already have an amazingly well-decorated door to support our message of being drug free thanks to Wendy Rose! To actively participate in Red Ribbon Week, here are the daily themes.
Monday: Wear red.
Tuesday: Wear jeans and a college, military, or university sweatshirt.
Wednesday: Dress for success.
Thursday: Twin Day
Friday: School Spirit Day
Fall Break
October 20-24...Enjoy!!
Here’s what we’re learning next week:
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Math: In math, we will wrap up our unit on place value. A study guide will come home early next week and we will also review in class. On Friday, we'll begin reviewing how to add decimals.
Social Studies: This week we will continue studying Native Americans using the flipped classroom model (look for a letter about this on Monday). The kids will read and learn about the various Native American culture regions and have the opportunity to create a mural and a miniature Native American dwelling in class, followed by a transfer task on Friday.
Word Study: We will continue to explore the world of homophones with a special focus on to, too, two, their, there, they're, your, and you're.
ELA:In ELA, we will continue with our Clues to a Culture unit. This week's focus will be on writing trickster tales, considering differing perspectives between cultures, and building an opinion.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of October 6-10

And our current Leader of the Week is...
She was chosen by her peers as our leader of the week for many reasons, but most specifically because she is awesome at using the 4th habit, Think Win-Win!  Isabelle is recognized for her positive attitude, her kindness towards others and her listening skills. Her peers describe her as a problem solver who does well in groups and always listens to others' ideas. Way to go, Isabelle!
Good evening, parents! I hope you've enjoyed the cool weather this weekend! I'm looking forward to a fun fall week with your kiddos! It was great to see some of them this past weekend at the Creasey-Mahan Haunted Hike! Here's what you need to know about what's happening in our classroom this week!
Upcoming Test-Word Study quiz over Homophones ~ A list of homophones to study will be taped into your child's agenda Monday morning.
Book Fair!!!
I don't know about you, but few things were more exciting for me as an elementary student than the book fair! Our fall book fair has arrived and we will be shopping on Wednesday. I will send home catalogs Monday afternoon. Check them out and if your child would like to make a purchase, please send money with him/her on Wednesday.

Early Release
This Wednesday is another Early Release Day. Please make plans for your child to be dismissed at 12:20pm. If his/her transportation will change, please be sure to send a note that day.
Harmony Harvest
Please join us for the Harmony Harvest this Saturday from 6-9pm. It is such a fun, exciting fundraiser for our school! I will be there with my children as well.
Last Call for Fall Conferences!!-Don’t forget to sign up!

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/84htm4
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
Here’s what we’re learning next week:
Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
Math: In math, we will continue our new unit of study on place value as we delve into decimals. The kids will be learning about equivalence, comparing, ordering, and rounding decimals.
Social Studies: This week we will continue to study the first Native Americans with a focus on how the Inuit adapted to their harsh Arctic environment. There will be an extended response on Friday to assess understanding.
Word Study: We will explore the world of homophones with a special focus on to, too, two, their, there, they're, your, and you're.
ELA: In ELA, we will begin a new unit entitled Clues to a Culture. Within this unit, your child will learn to examine how photographs and reading can help to unlock clues to a culture otherwise unknown to him/her. This week's focus will mostly be on reading about a Native American tribe and creating an informative essay. We will also examine and write our own trickster tales.


Friday, October 3, 2014

Field Trip and Migration Theories

Riverside, Farnsley-Moreman Landing Field Trip
Students are making bricks during our field trip. These bricks are made from clay!! Below students are on an archeologist dig and digging up artifacts!!

Theories of Migration to the Americas
Students are working in groups to analyze actual archeological discoveries and to investigate three theories of how the first people came to Americas.