"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Week of January 18-22

Our Leader of the Week is…


Tyler was chosen as our leader this week because he is a pro at putting first things first and beginning with the end in mind. Tyler loves a challenge and if he finds work to be too simple, he will not hesitate to ask for an extension. Not only that, but Tyler really understands the importance of being a successful student. He works hard to do his best every day and he seeks help if a task is unclear. Tyler does a great job of using the 7 habits to be a highly effective husky!

Dates to Know:
January 25th ~ Beginning of Pennies for Patients
February 12th ~ Valentine’s Day Party @ 8:45

Upcoming Tests:
Math Test over Fractions (Simplifying, Equivalence, Ordering, Comparing, & Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions) on Thursday, 1/21

Pennies for Patients begins January 25! We will have an assembly this Friday to get the kids ramped up about helping kids with cancer.

Safety Patrol
Today an application went home for Safety Patrol. If your child would like to sign up for this role, please review the application with him/her. It will be a fun new leadership role for Harmony 4th and 5th graders.

Music Survey Link
Please click on the link below to take a parent music survey for Mr. A. J

Here’s what we’re learning this week!
Science: We will explore the impact of food chains and the need for proper food chains in an ecosystem through a game called Predator & Prey.
7 Habits: This week we are reviewing habits 1-3.
Social Studies: We are turning our attention now to events that occurred during the Revolutionary War including making allies, fighting strategies, and the Treaty of
Word Study: We are learning the meaning of Greek & Latin roots this week with a focus on tele, photo, vid, and vis. The goal is to teach the kids to use these roots to decode unfamiliar words and interpret their meaning.
Reading: We are going to read some high-interest passages this week and do some extensions related to the skill of understanding how two or more ideas, people, and events work together in a passage.
Writing: During writing this week, the kids will be planning and brainstorming in preparation for a historical narrative set during the American Revolution which they will write next week.

Please check out our blog for our newest Leader of the Week!! Have a wonderful week!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Week of January 11-15

Good afternoon, parents! We had a great 1st week back! There have been a few changes, but the kids have adapted well! They are smoothly transitioning into their new math groups/classrooms! We also began implementing the use of the desk cycles and resistance bands I was able to order through my Pyramid Award. It’s been a gradual introduction and the kids are adjusting well. These tools are only used at times when I feel they are best suited to instruction, but so far the kids have done great with the new equipment! Many have expressed to me that they enjoy the opportunity for movement while working. J

Our newest Leader of the Week is....
        Kaylin was selected as our newest Leader of the Week! She just came to our school a couple of months ago and she has adjusted so well! She has done an excellent job seeking first to understand, then to be understood. She carefully listens to instructions given in class before jumping into a task. She also puts first things first and always has a proactive attitude toward school! She blew me away today when she stood up in front of the entire class and sang a song she and a friend had written to share their understanding of events leading the Revolutionary War! That took a lot of courage!

Implementation of Exercise Equipment~Week 1

Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, Jan. 13: Early Release @ 12:20pm
Friday, Jan. 15: 5th Grade Snow Day 2:20-4:00pm
Tuesday, Jan. 26: Schoolwide Book Exchange

Volunteer Opportunity
I am looking for volunteers to help with our second Schoolwide Book Exchange between 8 and 10am on Tuesday, January 26th. If you are available to help and you have completed both confidentiality training and a background check, please contact me for details. J

5th Grade Snow Day
*If you have not signed up for the 5th Grade Snow Day, but your child would like to attend, please do so no later than Tuesday, January 12th.

Here’s what we will be learning about this week!
Science: We will continue our study of energy and matter in organisms and ecosystems. The main idea this week is still to understand how humans get their energy and that the most basic source of energy is our sun. We will examine food chains and webs and play a game called Predator and Prey!
S.S.: We are going to begin learning about the Declaration of Independence this week! Topics include Thomas Paine and his pamphlet Common Sense as well as Thomas Jefferson and interpreting the actual language from the Declaration of Independence.
Math: Regardless of which teacher your child has, the learning goals for the week will be to learn how to compare and order fractions, decimals, and mixed numbers. There will be a test over these fraction concepts as well as this past week’s concepts on January 20th.
Reading: During reading, we will begin learning about Greek and Latin roots. First we will study the parts of a word (prefix, suffix, root word) and then we will begin focusing on the specific root of super, cap, hyper, corp, and ped. We will learn how knowing the meaning of the root can help you to decode unfamiliar words.

Writing: Our focus for writing will be on understanding bias and how it impacts the message an author is conveying. We will examine several writings related to the American Revolution and look for bias within the writing.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Boston Massacre Re-enactment

Below you will find a video of our class acting out the events of the Boston Massacre. They had so much fun doing this! Ask your child about the events leading to the American Revolution and he/she should be able to describe to you many events including this one that angered colonists and inspired them to revolt against Britain. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week of January 4-8

Welcome back and Happy New Year!! First of all, I would like to thank all of you who were so thoughtful to contribute to the class gift or to send in your own gifts to me this holiday season! You are too kind!

Flexible Grouping  in Math
        Today we began our first rotation of flexible grouping in math. This went really well! Whomever your child had math with today, will be his/her math teacher for the next 2 ½ weeks. The kids really seemed to enjoy this today and I think it will be an exciting new way to learn math. After this first fraction unit, we will regroup the kids based on their pretest results for adding and subtracting fractions. It is our hope that grouping the students in this way will help us to better meet their needs. Math homework (aside from study guides) will be assigned each Thursday and be due to your student’s math teacher the following day.

5th grade Snow Day?
Sign up for a fun afternoon of snow day fun hosted by Mrs. Stump, Mr. Tilley Mrs. Thornton and Mrs. Whitley! 
The night includes
- Pretend Snowball fight
- Hot chocolate & snacks
- Movie
- Fun with friends
Where/When? Harmony Elementary from 2:30-4:00pm January 15, 2015
Who can come? 5th graders willing to donate $20.00 or more

*Sign up now!  The more the merrier!  We’re going to have a blast so please come and join the fun! All money donated will go toward our classrooms.

If you would like to sign up, please print and return the attached form along with $20. Checks can be made out to Harmony Elementary.

Here’s what we will be learning about this week!
Science: This week we will begin a new unit on energy and matter in organisms and ecosystems. The main idea this week is to understand how humans get their energy and that the most basic source of energy is our sun.
S.S.: We are going to continue our Mission U.S. lessons on the computer.
Math: Regardless of which teacher your child has, the learning goals for the week will be to learn fraction equivalence, simplifying fractions, and how to convert between fractions and mixed numbers.
Reading: Students will build even further background on the Revolutionary War through reading.
Writing: The kids will have the opportunity to read and write poetry about events leading to the American Revolution.

Below you will find some photos of the kids in their holiday gear enjoying a music lesson with Mr. A prior to break. Enjoy! :)