"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week of April 25-29

Dates to Know
4/27 - Book Exchange  
4/29 - Mother/Son Cornhole Tournament 6-8 pm  
5/4 - FREE Skate Night 6-8 pm @ Champs Skating Rink
5/5 – Farnsley-Moremen Landing Field trip
5/6 - Oaks Day Pink Out  
5/9 – NOMS Field Trip/5th Grade Picnic
5/17 - Election Day – No School
5/21- Huskypalooza from 5-8 pm
5/27 - 5th Grade Recognition @ 9:15 in the cafeteria
5/30 - Memorial Day – No School
6/1 – Students’ Last Day

Fifth Grade Picnic
Help us celebrate Harmony’s 5th graders on May 9th!  They will be touring NOMS in the morning then having a picnic lunch, playing games, signing T-shirts, and having the annual Tug-of-War competition.  We need all the help we can get setting up and organizing the events.

If you would like to volunteer please contact:

Julie Fadel at 608-5950 or jfadel@averyatms.com 

Thank you!

The Water Step
Harmony is currently old or unneeded shoes for Water Steps.  Collection boxes have been placed throughout the school.  If you have unwanted or unneeded at shoes at home, we will gladly take them!

Testing Window
We will be unable to have visitors or parent volunteers in the building from May 16th – May 25th due to state testing in grades 3-5.  Please do your best to have your child at school during testing.

Relay for Life Dime Challenge
We are collecting dimes for Relay for Life. Dimes can be sent in all week long. Our goal is to fill a 16 ounce water bottle in hopes of earning $100 for cancer research.

Here's what we're learning this week!
Science:  Our focus for science this week will be on learning how we as humans impact the earth systems negatively. We will begin learning and brainstorming ways to reduce our human footprint on the world.

Social Studies: This week is going to provide students with a fun opportunity to research and gather information on a variety of social studies topics from economics to the Civil War to the U.S. Constitution. The kids will work in groups to research and then plan a display an activity to teach the other members of the class about their topic. Next week, we will rotate through stations to learn about each topic and to give everyone the opportunity to participate in the student-planned activities.

Math: Our focus continues to be on measurement, but this week we will begin learning how to calculate volume of rectangular prisms and of irregular prisms.

Reading: Our ELA unit on Coming of Age will continue as we read to learn about more “coming of age” events in America’s history including the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, and the Information Age.

Writing:  This week our attention shifts to how these kiddos are coming of age. Our writing task this week will be to develop a personal narrative about a significant event in your child’s own history in which he/she learned a lesson. I’m excited to see read their personal stories!

Area & Perimeter Games

Play these games to practice calculating area and perimeter!



Choose SuperBrain on this game!
