"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Writing Celebration!

Over the past few weeks we have been writing a lot as we launched our writer's workshop.  The students have read a variety of different poems by other authors and we have learned about how to use another author's writing to inspire our own ideas.  Therefore the students have created several poems modeled after poems by other authors.  Below you will be able to read some of their poems.  I have been very impressed with their hard work during the launching of this workshop!


  1. I love

    I love
    I love alot of things

    My cousin Harris the way he
    holds my hand
    the way he runs to see me
    I love my cousin Harris


    My cousin Hunter the way he
    gives me a hug
    the way he says hi to me
    I love my cousin Hunter


    My cousin Wilson the way he
    the way he talks to me on the phone
    I love my cousin Wilson


    My cousin Foster the way he
    smiles so big
    the way he screams my name
    I love my cousin Foster


    My cousin Elizabeth
    the way she shakes her head and dances
    the way she walkes around
    I love my cousin Elizabeth

    I love
    I love alot of things
    but I love my cousins the most

  2. Where I'm From
    I'm from a busy house with lots of pets
    A house with almost no silence

    I'm from the field full of sports
    Sports Where you can never see the same thing twice

    I'm from being the only purple and gold tiger on my street
    Wich is very good

    I'm from the good athletes and the outdoor people

    I'm from the full family thanksging feast that seems to never end

    I'm from lots of piictures
    Either happy or sad

  3. I love
    I love a lot of things, a billion things
    My furry animals, I love when they wait for me to get home
    I love how they play with me
    they are like my brother's and sister's
    but let me tell you I love there smiling faces
    I love Abercrombie
    I love wearing there brand
    I love walking into the store and smelling the perfume
    but let me tell you I love there jeans
    I love my mom she is my best friend
    I love the way she smiles
    I love my mom she is awesome
    but let me tell you I love the way she makes me laugh
    I may love a lot of things but I love skateboarding
    I love the way it makes my hair fly in the wind
    I love the many tricks you can do
    bet let me tell you I love the board

  4. Just because i'm a girl
    doesn't mean i'm not stong
    doesn't mean i can't play sports

    doesn't mean i can't be a doctor
    doesn't mean i can't be president
    doesn't mean i'm useless

    just because i'm a girl
    doesn't mean i'm prissy
    doesn't mean all i do is cry
    doesn't mean i'm not fun

    just because i'm a girl
    doesn't mean i drink tea
    doesn't mean i wear dresses

    just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i have to be one

  5. Life doesn't frighten me at all

    dark alleys
    my sister driving
    life doesn't frighten me at all

    Being home alone
    life doesn't frighten me at all

    life doesn't frighten me at all

    football players
    life doesn't frighten me at all

    Mrs. whitley
    life doesn't frighten me at all
