Welcome fall! Finally some fall weather and fall celebrations have arrived! I would like to thank everyone who made it out the Harmony Harvest! It was a huge success! I know Corbin and Brennan had a blast! I also want to thank anyone who bid on my auction items. Girls' Night and Boys' Night are going to be fun times! If you were unable to come to the Harmony Harvest, but we still like to be involved in Girls' Night or Boys' Night with myself and Ms. Coomes, please let me know. The date has not yet been determined.
Please remember that we will be taking our first field trip this week to Riverside Farnsley-Moremen Landing to tour a historic plantation, participate in an archeological dig, and make our own bricks just like the builders of the orginal home did! We will be leaving no later than 9:00am Friday and we will return to school at 2:00pm. Dress comfortably and wear tennis shoes because we will be outside and you may get a little dirty. Please remember to bring a sack lunch as well.
Upcoming Tests
Wednesday: S.S. Test over Chapter 4 "Why Europeans Left for the New World"
Wednesday: S.S. Test over Chapter 4 "Why Europeans Left for the New World"
Math: What are polygons and quadrilaterals?
*We will continue to apply what we've learned so far in geometry about lines, points, and angles, to explore other geometric figures.
Writing: How do I carefully edit and revise my persuasive letter to prepare for publication?
Writing: How do I carefully edit and revise my persuasive letter to prepare for publication?
*This week we will wrap up our persuasive letters and celebrate by addressing and mailing them on Thursday.
Social Studies: What can we learn about early explorer's by examining artifacts from a sunken ship?
Social Studies: What can we learn about early explorer's by examining artifacts from a sunken ship?
*Last week the kids did a pretend dive into a sunken ship to explore artifacts used by European explorers. This week we will continue to discuss those artifacts and learn the explorer's motives.
Word Study: How do we learn important geometric terms?
*This week the kids will receive a word study list to practice from now until October 15th when there will be a culminating quiz over all of the geometric terms and their ability to identify the figures they represent.
Science/Reading: What are cells?
*This week we will continue reading non-fiction texts to gather information about cells. There will also be some fun activities to go along with this unit including creating a cell from Play-Doh and making news reports on the parts of cells.
Word Study: How do we learn important geometric terms?
*This week the kids will receive a word study list to practice from now until October 15th when there will be a culminating quiz over all of the geometric terms and their ability to identify the figures they represent.
Science/Reading: What are cells?
*This week we will continue reading non-fiction texts to gather information about cells. There will also be some fun activities to go along with this unit including creating a cell from Play-Doh and making news reports on the parts of cells.
I found a really good science website!