"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week of September 19-23

Field Trip
We are going to have a fun week culminating with our field trip to Riverside Farnsley-Moremen Landing!  This is one of the best field trips we take because the kids will get to have hands-on experiences digging with archeologists,  touring the old plantation house, andmaking their own bricks (like the builders of the house did).  This is such a cool field trip and the kids love it each year.  Please remember to dress your child appropriately.  Right now the weather is predicted to be 68 and sunny, so I would encourage you to send a light jacket since we will be there early in the morning.  Please also pack your child's lunch and send your child in clothes that can get dirty as we will be digging in the dirt.  :o)

High School Visitors
If your child didn't mention it, Mr. Rauh's class came to visit us on Friday to share children's books they'd written.  It was a fantastic visit where the kids got to learn about the writing process first hand from more experienced writers!  Thank you again, Mr. Rauh!

Watch for updates later this week!  I will be linking the students' glog posters that they created about the U.S. regions and I will be posting pictures from our visit with the high schoolers last week! 

Upcoming Tests:
Multiplication Facts Quiz over 6's on Thursday
Social Studies Test over the 1st Native Americans on Thursday

Here is what we're learning this week!
Social Studies:  1st Native Americans (Who were they and how did the adapt?)
Word Study:  Different Types of Sentences
Writing:  Collecting and drafting autobiographies
Reading:  Reading the story "Charles" from a Junior Great Book & applying the thinking strategies
  Estimation and Computation Strategies

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