"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week of January 2-6

Battle of the Books
The BOB competition is looming!  It will take place in early February, so please have a chat with your child about BOB.  Here are some ways you can help them get ready for the competition.
1)        Ask your child how many books he/she has read.
2)      Have a discussion with your child about each book he/she has read.
3)      Encourage your child to read more.
4)      Help your child develop a plan for reading more BOB books.  E.g, Finish your literature circle reading at home and you can read a separate BOB book at home.
5)      Encourage your child.  Remind your child that by reading 7 BOB books he/she can take the quiz for an opportunity to compete in the district level competition!

 Puberty Night
Please remember that Puberty Night is this Thursday.  The girls' session is at 6:15 and the boys' session is at 7:15.

Upcoming Tests:
Word Study Quiz over the rules for comma use on Friday
Facts Quiz

This Week’s Learning
Social Studies:  Having wrapped up our study of the tensions which led to the Revolutionary War we will now delve into the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence!  Warning:  The kids will be declaring their own independence as well!
Math:  Over the next couple of weeks we will continue learning about fractions as well as exploring data analysis with line plots and stem-and-leaf plots.
Word Study:  We are still working on commas and today I sent home a list of the rules for comma use to help them with their homework as they prepare for Friday’s quiz.
Writing:  This week I’ve introduced opinion writing and I am immersing the kids in several different examples of opinion writing to help them understand what it is, why it’s done, techniques used, and to help them generate ideas for their own opinion piece.
Reading:  We are going strong on our 2nd round of literature circles!  The kids seem to be actively engaged and enjoying their books.


  1. Hi Mrs.Whitley! This is Claire and Allison. We were wondering when you were going to post our social studies act-it-outs. Can you post them as soon as you have a chance?
    Claire and Allison
