Many, many thanks to all those who donated money for the Husky Hustle! Our class won the competition for raising the most money (over $2,000!) and therefore, we get a new iPad for our classroom! Not only that, but all funds raised will go toward purchasing a class set of iPads to be housed in the library and checked out by teachers for classroom use! I am so proud of all the kids who were so enthusiastic in this venture and helped us raise so much money for our school!
Harmony Harvest
Many thanks also to those who attended the Harmony Harvest on Friday evening! I was there with my own kids and it was a blast! If you were unable to attend, but still would like to sign up for one of my class auctions (Boys' Night Out or Girls' Night Out) please let me know. The cost is $25 and it's not too late to sign up.
Fall Break
Fall Break is right around the corner! Please remember that this week is only a 4 day week. We will not have school on Friday. I hope you all have a safe, fun, and restful break! I know you've earned it!
Signed Tests
Please remember to sign and return your children's tests. I am always careful to send them home on Wednesdays, so you'll know what day to be on the lookout. This is one of the best ways I can communicate with you regularly regarding grades.
Riverside, Farnsley-Moremen Landing
Thursday's field trip was a HUGE success! The kids had a blast and showed so much learning through their oral and written reflections! Below are several pictures to show you what our day was like! More pictures should be available on the facility's website in about a week at Just use the code HarmonyE1011201.
Listening to the archeologist prior to the dig...
Kids digging and sifting through the dirt for artifacts!
Listening to the speaker at the brick-making station.
Brick making!
Here's what's coming up this week in our classroom.
Social Studies: This week we will examine the motives and reasons for European exploration as the kids reenact an archeological dive for artifacts!
Math: Our new unit on division begins this week with a focus on estimating and dividing by 1-digit divisors.
Word Study: We will explore the various verb tenses as well as how and when they should be used.
Writing: My goal this week is for everyone to type and publish their feature articles on a historical person of interest.
Reading: This week we will analyze our reading notebooks and reflect on why we've been reading about so many Renaissance thinkers.
Thanks so much for posting on the blog. Love seeing the pictures of the field trip :-)