"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, April 21, 2014

Student-Created Narratives/Plays

        Below you will find links to several great stories, plays, and performances written, read, and performed by our students!  In class we read and analyzed the theme of the popular tale, The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  Then the kids were tasked with writing their own narrative (real or imagined) based on a common theme.  They were very excited about this task and requested the opportunity to co-author.  Then, several requested the opportunity to write a play with the same theme rather than a story.  I was inspired by their enthusiasm and creativity and decided to go with it!  As a result, they produced excellent work and the room was buzzing with energy as they planned, practiced, and performed!  Some chose to work in pairs, some independently, and some in groups, but it was all centered around student choice and I was very impressed with their final products!  Please click on the titles below to view their performances/readings.  I apologize for the poor video quality. 

The Girl Who Cried Liar
 written and performed by Addie and Audrey

written and performed by Haley and Lauren

written and performed by Sammy, Marshall, Colyn, and Mitchell

 written and performed by Savannah, Emily, and Meredith

 written and performed by Colin B. and Andrew

Paul Revere Who Cried British
Henry’s Story read by Mitchell

Isaac’s Story: Also a true story based on actual events  :o)

Colin R.’s Story

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