"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, September 5, 2014

Week of September 8-12

...And our very first Leader of the Week is...
Ethan earned this honor for his excellent use of the 7 habits this week!  He used habit 1 by being proactive and entering class everyday with a smile and a positive attitude!  He used habits 2 and 3 because each day he put first things first and started his work with a plan to complete it efficiently!  He synergized beautifully with classmates this week while working in groups and he even stood up for a friend who was having a hard time!  Ethan likes to sharpen the saw by running cross country, so be on the lookout for him during Harmony Cross Country meets!
Would you like to receive reminders about important class happenings? Sign up for text reminder using Remind101 at https://www.remind.com/join#/join/whitley20. Your phone number will remain private and you won't be able to reply to me, but it's an easy way for me to send you important reminders. :o)
Parent Orientation
Many thanks to all of you who made it out for Parent Oreintation last night! I really enjoyed chatting with you and having the opportunity to share important information about our class! If you were unable to attend or would like a copy of the PowerPoint, I have attached it to this email. Check it out and let me know if you have questions.

Early Release
This Wednesday, September 10th will be our first Early Release Day. Students will be dismissed at 12:20pm. If your child has a change in afternoon transportation that day, please be sure to send a note to school that morning!
Author Visit!

Harmony Elementary is excited to be hosting a visit with children’s author Tyler Whitesides on Wednesday, September 10th. Mr. Whitesides will sign his books on September 9 & 10 at Barnes & Noble, 4100 Summit Plaza Drive. If you cannot attend the event and would like an autographed book, please completed an order form (sent home Thursday) and return it to the library with paymentno later than Friday, September 12th.The website below has information about the author; summaries of the four books in the series; and video trailers for the first couple of books in the Janitors series.

MAP Testing
MAP Testing will begin this coming week. The kids will take the Reading portion of the MAP Test on the computer on Friday at noon. We use this test to give us further feedback on the needs of our students so we can find the best ways to help them meet their highest potential.

A quick message from Mr. Albritton:
This year is off to a wonderful start! I wanted to let you know of a few ways to keep up with what is happening in music. Click the links below to check out the different pages.
Blog Update!
Check out our blog today too! Our reporter and our photographer were able to work together to create a new post and you will be able to see a copy of this weekly update, as well as find out who our Leader of the Week is for next week! Be sure to scroll down so you can see both the update and the student post!
*Side Note: If your child did not finish his/her Fantasy Island during class, I've sent it home to be completed this weekend. I've also attached the rubric and project directions for them to use in case they forgot to bring them home.
So, what are the kiddos learning next week?
Habit of the Week: Habit 1: Be Proactive!
Reading: During Reading, we will investigate the various thinking strategies and learn to make use of metacognition when reading to deepen our comprehension!
Writing: During Writing, the kids will be given a preassessment for On Demand writing so I can see what skills we need to focus on this year and then we will begin a unit on the 6 traits of writing: sentence fluency, organization, voice, ideas/content, conventions, and word choice. Word study will be tied into this as we analyze which words need to be capitalized and which don't.
Math: Our focus in math will be learning how to undestand mathematical expressions, exponential notation, and how to use the order of operations.
Social Studies: We will continue our study of geography with a focus on the various U.S. regions.
Thanks for reading! hope you have a nice weekend!

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