"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, December 12, 2014

Week of December 15-19

And our Leader of the Week is…


 Kahelu was chosen as our leader of the week for his awesome attitude and his constant perseverance!  He has been particularly positive, upbeat, and extremely hard working this whole week!  He also regularly uses the habit of putting first things first to complete assignments both in and out of class!

Good afternoon, parents!  We have a fun and festive week ahead full of both learning and holiday activities!  Please read below to see what’s coming up!

Festive Sweater/Shirt Day

The staff will be having a festive sweater day on Tuesday to celebrate the season.  If your child has a fun holiday shirt he/she would like to wear, please encourage them to join in the fun on Tuesday.

PJ Day

Next Thursday will be our school-wide pajama day!  Send your child to school in his/her most comfortable pair of pajamas!

 Holiday Party

Our class holiday party will take place on Friday from 9:00am-10:00am!  Please be sure to send your child with a special snack and drink to enjoy during the party.  Feel free to come along yourself and join in the fun!  Parents are welcome!

Husky Helping House

Thank you so much for your many donations!  Our child is going to have a wonderful Christmas!


Every year we have a special sing-a-long for students and staff.  Please send your child to school with a pair of sunglasses and a scarf. These are props we will be using for our 5th grade performance of “Feliz Navidad.”  I will try to get some good pictures to share on our blog!

Our Learning Plan for the Week:

Math:  During math next week, we will be doing a holiday shopping spree!  Each child will get a pretend budget of $150 and they will each choose a Secret Santa to buy a pretend gift and create a card for.  The cards will be given at our holiday party.
Social Studies:  We will begin learning about the tensions leading up to the Revolutionary War and the kids will have the opportunity to experience some of them as I become “king” during social studies next week.
Word Study:  We will wrap our our study of plural nouns and focus on verb tense.

Reading:  We will finish our literature circle books and discussions.

Writing:  Our goal is publish our feature articles by Thursday and hopefully to share them with a couple of 3rd grade classes so they too can learn about important Renaissance thinkers.

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