Many, many thanks to all those who donated to and participated in Carnival Night! It was so much fun! The kids had a blast and so did the teachers! Thank you to the many who took part in this special fundraiser for our classes!
Upcoming Tests
Social Studies~Revolutionary War test on Tuesday~Please encourage your child to take the History Alive tutorial at until he/she can consistently score 100%. The kids were also instructed to bring home their notebooks on Friday to help them prepare for the test.
Math~Fractions Test on Wednesday~A study guide will come home Monday.
Classroom Guidance
Mrs. Hammons will be visiting our classroom again this week to teach the kids about bullying.
Writing Contests
Just a reminder...we have two exciting opportunities upon us to compete in writing contests this spring! The first contest is a poetry writing contest These kiddos are excellent poets! Here is the link for that contest. Submissions are due March 9th.
KET Young Writers Contest | KET Kids and Families
instructions on how to enter the 2014 KET Young Writers Contest
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The second contest is a story writing contest. On the link, there is a mistake that makes it look like an old 2014 contest, but if you check the entry form, this contest is for 2015. Here is the link for the story writing contest. Submissions are due April 11th.
KET Young Writers Contest | KET Kids and Families
instructions on how to enter the 2014 KET Young Writers Contest
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Please encourage your child to take part in at least one of these contests!
What are we learning this week?
ELA: During ELA this week, we will look over the on demand writing the kids did last week and they will have an opportunity to review their piece and set goals. From here on out, we will be giving one on demand task per month to help the kids improve this skill and work on the goals they set each time.
Also, during ELA, the kids will begin gathering research on famous people and battles from the Civil War. Late in the week, the will begin planning and developing a writing piece about how a specific person or battle impacted the Civil War.
Math: We will wrap up the current fraction unit Wednesday and move on to adding and subtracting fraction at the end of the week.
Social Studies: This week we will finish studying the Revolutionary War and move on to studying the history of the U.S. Constitution.
Have a great week! :o)
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