"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, February 27, 2015

Weekly Update for March 2-6

And our newest Leaders of the Week are...
Kendall & Tommy!!!
This week I chose two outstanding leaders to represent our class! 
           Kendall is such a hard-working student!  She is a master at using habit 1.  She is proactive each day with her schoolwork.  If there is something she doesn't understand or directions are unclear, she will not hesitate to ask for further clarification.  She is also a master at habit 4.  Kendall often puts others before herself.  She is polite and courteous, a pro at thinking win-win!
          Tommy is another fabulous leader in our room!  He is a pro at using habit 2, putting first things, first!  Tommy is also very hard-working student.  He does a great job of making sure he finishes all of his classwork in a timely manner.  Then, as soon as he is finished, you will almost always find him with his nose in a book!  This leads me to the other habit he uses well.  Tommy enjoys sharpening the saw as he is an avid reader who read each of the 10 BOB books in no time!
Cereal Boxes
Please send in empty cereal boxes next week.  We will need 29 by Thursday for a project we are doing called "Celling Cereal."
Animal Care Society Visit
This afternoon I will update our blog with recent pictures including those from the visit we had with furry friends!   The kids got to snuggle and pet 2 sweet pups from the Animal Care Society on Wednesday!  They were SO excited!
As I was listening to the radio after school the other day, I heard about an interesting opportunity. KY Telco Federal Credit Union is hosting a Teacher of the Month Contest.  I researched it and found that kids can go online and nominate their teacher.  The winning teacher will get $100 to spend on her classroom, a Bearno's pizza party for her class, and a spa gift certificate.  This is 100% optional, but I told the kids about it and they were interested, so I am sharing the link with you in case your child wants to participate. 
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be coming home on Wednesday March 11 along with a letter about conferences which I will be scheduling at the end of March.
Here's what's coming up in next week's curriculum!
Reading:  In order to deepen the kids' reading comprehensions skills, I've decided to focus a few lessons on practicing a few of the thinking strategies.  We will work on determining importance, synthesizing, and inferring during class next week.
Writing:  We will work on our transfer task for the America in Conflict ELA unit next week.  This task requires that students create their own historical narrative set during the Civil War.  We began brainstorming and preparing for this already, so next week they will be writing their narrative.  Skills we will be learning during the week will include how to write and correctly punctuate both internal and external dialogue.
Word Study:  We will continue to study Greek and Latin roots.
Math:  We will be wrapping up our unit on fraction and mixed number computation next week with a test on Friday.
Science:  We will do a short unit on cells next week!

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