"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, May 2, 2016

Week of May 2-6

Our newest Leader of the Week is


       Lydia was chosen as our Leader of the Week for her dedication and hard work in 5th grade! She always puts first things first by making sure she does her work to the best of her ability before moving on to other activities. She also begins her writing with the end in mind. When she knows she only has 1 page to explain her thinking, she writes neatly and carefully in order to allow for enough room to express all of her thoughts. Lydia is also a pro at thinking win-win and synergizing! She is friendly and easy to work with! Great job, Lydia!
Dates to Know
5/4 - FREE Skate Night 6-8 pm @ Champs Skating Rink
5/5 – Farnsley-Moremen Landing Field trip
5/6 - Oaks Day Pink Out~Wear pink and bring $1 for cancer research
5/9 – NOMS Field Trip/5th Grade Picnic
5/17 - Election Day – No School
5/21- Huskypalooza from 5-8 pm
5/27 - 5th Grade Recognition @ 9:15 in the cafeteria
5/30 - Memorial Day – No School
6/1 – Students’ Last Day
Upcoming Tests
Friday, 5/6 ~ Math Test over Volume, Area, Perimeter, and Interpreting Line Plots with Fractions
Fifth Grade Picnic        
Help us celebrate Harmony’s 5th graders on May 9th!  They will be touring NOMS in the morning then having a picnic lunch, playing games, signing T-shirts, and having the annual Tug-of-War competition.  We need all the help we can get setting up and organizing the events.
If you would like to volunteer please contact:
Julie Fadel at 608-5950 or jfadel@averyatms.com 
Thank you!
Testing Window Reminder
We will be unable to have visitors or parent volunteers in the building from May 16th – May 25th due to state testing in grades 3-5.  Please do your best to have your child at school during testing.
Relay for Life Change Wars
We are collecting change in the front office for cancer research. The race is on schoolwide, boys versus girls! This is our last big pull for Relay for Life. If you can send in any change, please do so this week. The winner gets bragging rights!
Save the Date
Our class will have 5th Grade Recognition @ 9:15 in the cafeteria on  Friday, May 27th!  Feel free to invite family members to share in this special celebration!
Here’s what we’re learning about this week!
Science:  During science this week we will continue learning about the human footprint and we will engage in a project-based learning activity to find ways to reduce our human footprint on the world.
Social Studies: This week we will rotate through student-created learning stations to gather information about various social studies topics from government to Native Americans to Westward Expansion. The kids are excited to share their research and planned learning activities!
Math: It’s time to review what we’ve learned about measurement in preparation for our test this Friday. This week we will be reviewing area, perimeter, volume, and interpreting line plots. A study guide came home today. Please have your child complete it and return it by Wednesday.
Reading: During reading this week I will be administering DRAs and the kids will also have the opportunity to engage in their own personal reading followed by written reflections.
Writing:  The kids have been working so hard on their personal narratives and they’re so interesting to read! Our writing task this week will be to finish, edit, and revise personal narratives.


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