"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, August 29, 2016

Week of August 29-September 2

Good afternoon, parents!  We had a great day today! This was the first day we switched classes for math flexible grouping and I have to say it was a success! The kids transitioned well and everyone seemed happy and content with how their math classes went today! Feel free to ask your child about math today to see who he/she has for a teacher during this unit.

Please be sure to pick up a composition notebook for PE.
Dates to Know
8/31~Cross Country Practice
9/1~Choir Rehearsal Begins
9/2~FCA Begins
9/6~No School for Labor Day
9/8~Early Release @ 12:20pm *Please send a note if your child’s transportation will be different on this date.

Here’s what we’re learning this week!
7 Habits: What does it mean to be proactive?
Reading: This week we will be learning about metacognition or thinking about your thinking. The kids will be learning how to apply the thinking strategies to help build their comprehension when reading a text.
Writing: Our focus for writing this week is to explore various types of poetry. We will begin by learning about the elements of poetry and then we will segue into trying out acrostic poetry, haiku writing, and shape poetry.
Math: During math, we are beginning a unit on place value where students will learn about the relative value of place value positions, review how to read and write numbers in various forms, and learn to apply basic facts to patterns such as 8x3=24, therefore 80x30=2400.
Social Studies: During social studies, we turn our attention to the 5 themes of geography to help students understand the basic concepts of location, movement, place, human-environment interaction, and regions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Have a wonderful week!

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