"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, September 30, 2016

Week of October 3-7

Good afternoon, parents! Happy Friday! I hope you’ve enjoyed the week! We learned a lot this week as we explored Native American culture regions, worked on summarizing, exploring theme, utilizing prefixes, and even trying out various division strategies. I really appreciate your support in encouraging your students to complete the flipped classroom work on Native American culture regions. Every student completed the graphic organizer thoroughly and on time, which allowed them the opportunity to work in groups during class to create murals of the 7 culture regions they studied at home! The murals turned out beautifully and they will be displayed in our classroom! Blog pictures coming soon…!

Dates to Know:

October 12th~Early Release @ 12:20pm

October 12th~Fall Festival 6-8pm

7 Habits: This week we will continue to use the mission statements written by the kids to write our own personal and academic WIGs. A WIG is a “Wildly Important Goal.”

Reading: During reading this week, we will continue to explore theme, but now we will examine it through the lens of poetry. We will then segue into determining an author’s purpose.

Writing: During writing, the kids will apply what they’ve learned about theme this week in order to embed theme into their own writing. They will be given the opportunity to write a story and a poem which incorporates the theme of their choice.

Math: As we near the end of this current math unit, students will be learning about division, order of operations, as well as verbal and numerical expressions of numbers.

Social Studies: Our focus for social studies will continue to be Native Americans as we learn about their systems of government and economics. We will then begin to explore the time period of exploration through the lens of culture and geography.


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