"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, September 16, 2016

Week of September 19-23

Good afternoon, parents! It has been an awesome week! The kids have been laughing at me because every day I tell them, “We have so much to do,” and it’s true! However, we are learning so much and I’m impressed with the hard work everyone is putting forth! This week we tried to make Oobleck for their 20th star celebration on Monday. It didn’t go so well, but everyone stayed really positive and smiles were all around the room despite Mrs. Whitley’s poor recipe following skills! We also took time out to allow the kids to perform their poetry for 2 and 3 voices and it was AMAZING!! Each group or pair chose a unique topic and a unique approach to it in their writing. They all synergized to write and perform, and we all enjoyed watching the performances during class. I will post videos to the blog as soon as I can get them uploaded. I want you all to know that we have a wonderful class and I’m so grateful to work with your children this year. J

Upcoming Tests & Quizzes
Wednesday, 9/21~Quiz over continents, oceans, equator, and prime meridian (Kids must be able to label these accurately on a map.)

Friday, 9/23~Geography Test (study guide coming home today; due on Wednesday, 9/21 so we can go over it)
Dates to Know
Thursday, 9/22~Tiger Trek (Send a water bottle with your child’s name on it and clothes they can exercise in. Students will also receive a free Tiger Trek T-shirt that morning when they come in to wear during the day.)

Color Days Next Week
Monday: Purple
Tuesday: Black
Wednesday: Brown
Thursday: White
Friday: Pink

This Week’s Curriculum

7 Habits: How do I set my own WIGs (wildly important goals)?

ELA (Reading & Writing): How do authors use idioms, adages, and proverbs in their writing? We will examine the differences between these types of figurative language and explore their meaning, as well as use them in our own writing this week.

Word Study: What are prefixes, suffixes, and root words? Kids will learn decoding skills as we study the meaning of various prefixes, suffixes, and root words, as well as the impact of prefixes and suffixes in altering the meaning of words.

Math: How do I multiply and divide whole numbers? We will continue to practice multiplication using both the area model and the standard algorithm, examine the relationship between multiplication and division, and eventually work towards dividing whole numbers.

Social Studies: How do I read and analyze maps? We will continue to explore maps and their components and we will review for this week’s test.

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