"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, March 17, 2017

Week of March 20-24

Upcoming Tests:
Wednesday, 3/22~Division of Fractions Test (Study guide due on Tuesday, 3/21)
Friday, 3/24~Social Studies Government Test (Study guide due on Thursday, 3/23)
Dates to Know *Please keep track of these as LOTS of important dates will be forthcoming over the remaining weeks of school.
Monday, 3/21~Rock Your Socks Day-Wear crazy socks to support Down's Syndrome of Louisville.
Thursday, 3/23~Leadership Day-Our kids are excited to show off their leadership skills to local community members and visiting school personnel.
Friday, 3/31~Last day to order a yearbook! Don't miss out!!
April 3-7~Spring Break
April 28~Spring Carnival
Silent Auction
If you have a suggestion or preference for our silent auction basket for the Spring Carnival on April 28th, please let me know. Some ideas I think would be a hit are Summer Fun, Movie Night, or a Craft Basket. Please also let me know if you are interested in heading up the silent auction basket for our class. Thank you in advance!
Guiding Questions for the Week
Reading: How does author’s point of view affect their writing?
Writing: How do I address the audience’s needs in order to develop a clear beginning, middle, and end for my historical narrative?
Math: How do I divide fractions? (first half of week) How do I use a coordinate grid? (last part of week)
Social Studies: What are the different levels of government and how does the government work to provide for the common good?
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Have a great weekend! J

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