"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blog Question

Do you think the colonists had a choice or was declaring their independence inevitable?  How else might they have handled their grievances against the king?


  1. I think the colostist did not have a choice. I think this because usally the king made all of the laws and rules. So, the king made up the declarion of independence. From, Allison

    1. The king did not make the declaration. The colonists did.

  2. It was their choose to declare freedom from the king, but it was also their choose to get punished and maybe even be headed because they knew the consequences.

    The people could have written a document to compromise with the king.

  3. I think that the colonist did not have a choice.the king makes all the laws, witch I think is not right at all. Also I think that we should be able to make our own rules and laws. The Declartion of Indepence so they could make their own laws.

    1. i argree with tyler because the king keeped on making all the laws on the colonists. i think they should be able to do what ever they want to do. the colonists should have the right to have freedom.

  4. I agree with Claire, because it was their choice to break away and declare independence from the king. The colonists did not have to break away from the king, but I think after all of the taxes and not letting the colonists make their own choices, it was about time for them to break away from the king, declare independence and get to live their life and make their choices!

  5. i agree with Tyler that the colonists had no say in government.

  6. I agree with Ainsley and Claire because they did have a say in whether they were going to break away from Engaland and declaire indipendence. though they had little say they still had some. Plus it was time for them to make their own desisions and choices. I mean isnt that the reason the colonists left England!

  7. The colonists' have no say at all! I love to live knowing I have an choice. It was to live with the king taxing you and not giving you any say, or to be free! This is crazy that trhe colonists' had no say, or no freedom.

  8. I agree whith tyler because the colonist did not have a say at all in the goverment!it would be crazy if I was not free,the king was playing a unfair game for example the colonist thought in the french and indain war and after wards the colonist did not get to go on the land that they thought for the land! the other way that the colonist could of thought is going and making peace whith the indains.

  9. I think that they didn't have a choice because the king was putting acts and taxes on the colonists. If the colonists said the king was a jerk or that he was unfair, they would be committed to treason. This was not fair because they did not have freedom of speech to say that the king was unfair and that they wanted a free country without being committed to treason. This is why I think they had to declare independence. They could have handled by talking to the king about the unfairness, but it could have made them treasoned. They knew the consequences but did not care.

    1. I agree with Brennan because they basically wanted some sort of "argument" with the king. And the consequence for disobeying the king was a guillotine. But they had to do it, or else be in the kings hands!

  10. Great answers! New Question: As the men were signing the Declaration of Independence and openly committing treason against the king, how do you think they felt and WHY?

    1. I think they were scared that they might get be headed!

  11. We think they felt nervice nevice because the king still had the power over the colonies. Even though this was to declare indpendence, the king still had power over them and could have them killed. They were putting their life at risk, but doing it for their good!
    -Bella & Ainsley!

  12. I agree with Bella and Ainsley because it is true that the king still had power over the coloinies, and they could be killed really easily just for signing the Declaration of Independence.

  13. I agree with jillian because the king did still have power over them so no they did not

    1. Jeffrey, please sign your name.

  14. I agree with "Lebron James" becuase the king had so much power over the colinests.

  15. I think they felt good. I think that because they where becoming ther own country, but at the same time they where nervice. I think that because they would make the king and British so mad, and they felt good because they where almost free.

  16. "lebron james" and alex do have a point.

  17. I agree with Hayden that they felt good and nervous at the same time, because they were getting to be their own country, but putting their life at risk by comitting treasen, which they could get killed for!

  18. Brandon

    I think the colonijst dident have a choice because the king owend there land. so he was incharge of them.

  19. I think they felt kinda scared because the king could kill them.

  20. i agree with Bella and Anisly bcause they were breaking away from the country who had always taken care of them! Also i think that Britain should respect their decision. i mean they need to be in the colonists place for a week, they would see how baddly they are treating the colonists. When the king looks at the colonies all he sees is money...$$$$$

  21. i agree with Hayden about how they felt good about signing the Declaration but also nervous.

  22. Bubbles and Gum!;) abbyJanuary 17, 2012 at 4:31 PM

    i think the colonists had no choice to break away from Britain because of how badly the king treated the colonies. he says that he was doing it for their own good but i think that he wants money and to have more power. i also think that the Sons of Liberty did not have the right to go beat the people who sold Briyains goods!;)

  23. P.S. think you for all you do for us Mrs.Whitley! you make every thing so much more fun. i hope you have a good night!!!

  24. I agree with Abby because the sons of liberty did not have any reason to beat up people who were not on their side and whosold british goods.I also agree with Abby because the king did look at the colonies as money not as his people that he cared for.

  25. Abby giggle and bubble, peace out yo!January 17, 2012 at 4:41 PM

    i agrre with Hayden too. i know i would feel good about us breaking away from a country that uses it's power for evil. but they were also risking their lives! P.S. but when they wrote it they were still under Britains power so i think that they could of came up with a better plan!

  26. i'm very hyper tonight! AbbyJanuary 17, 2012 at 4:48 PM

    I LOVE EVERYONES OPINIONS!!!!! ;) I agree with Claire also because they knew the risk they were taking, so they must of wanted indepindence really bad, which i don't blame them.

  27. Did the colonists really want to break away, or did they feel like they had to? P.S. is Mrs.whitley going to read her blog comments again?

  28. I agree with Jillian I agree with her because I don't think the king really cared for the colonists and I bet all he cared for was thier money. And I agree with Lebron I agree with him because the king from what I think he was stressed.
    I think he was stressed because he had to look over the 13 colonies and Braitain.And the colonists had no say what so ever to tell the king how mad they are or else, the would be de-headed and die!!!

  29. Yes, Mrs. Whitley is very excited about all these comments! Keep the opinions coming and we'll definitely do this again! PS (Did you realize that you're actually doing opinion writing right now?!)

  30. Some of the colonists were so mad that they, told everyone!
    how mad they were and they called them selves PATRIOTS
    and they went against the king but... Some of them got caught then they either got whipped 20 timmes or, got deheadded

  31. I dident now that Mrs whitley.

  32. I agree With Bella and Ainsley because the king had alot of power over the colonists and I bet the king did not pay alot of attenchion on Braitan.

  33. If I was one of those colonists I would be freaked out that they were watching me

  34. I think that the colonists did not have a choice. I agree with bella and ainsley and claire bear!! i think they are right, so i dont think the colonists didnt have a choice or say in that. ❤❤❤����������������������

  35. I agree also with Hayden, because they probably also felt good. I mean they were finally standing up for themselves! But I still think they were like OMG what is he (the king) going to do when he sees this!

  36. I Love this homework!!!!


  37. Bella's Mom, SarahJanuary 18, 2012 at 3:52 AM

    I agree with whatever Bella says!!!!

  38. I think the colonist were a bit like should i do this, or not? Because, dude your doing treason against your king! also you could get be headed! but i think thats silly why do you get punished for doing what you think is right. i also think it's right to some times go against your leader (your king) is some times a good thing. oh be 4 i forget "i did not know this was opinion writing, that * much *any way."

  39. They were doing treason against the king I think I mean they were saying bad things about him!
