"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blog Activity: Banning Best Friends at School?

Please go to the following link to read an interesting article called "Banning Best Friends at School?"  

Read the article and then comment on this post in response to the following questions.  Please number your responses to each question and feel free to debate with one another.  That’s what makes this fun!

1.  How did you feel when you first read this article?
2.  Do you agree or disagree with the decision to ban "best friends" at some schools?
3.  Who should make the decision about who can/should play together?


  1. 1. I felt that both sides have good reasons to support them, but I also felt how bad best friends can make a kid feel.

    2. I do think that best friends should be banned at school, but not at home. I think that kids should be able to have a best friend at home but not talk about it at school. The reason I think this is because if you say, she is my best friend, then if you guys have another friend around you they are going to feel really sad. When kids have best friends it makes others feel like they are not as special!. You are pretty much just saying "she is better or I like her more then you!" No kid would probably want to hear that to their face, but when you say she is my best friend that is pretty much what you are saying. I do think kids should be able to have best friends at home though. If kids want to have a best friend at home, I think they should be able to go home and tell that person ALL the secrets they wants to. But having a best friend at school just makes other kids fel depressed and sad!!!

    3. I think that the principal of the school should make the decession about who can play with who. Since they are in charge the school.

  2. 1. I think that this article is crazy. I also felt like this is not right for kids to not have best friends in there school. Those people in the article are totally wrong. Those people are not kids they don't know what we want.So I agree with it partly, but I think it's still crazy.
    2. I disagree because its not right to have not friends in school. Also your best friend can help you with work. best buddies can help you with your problems in life like having your dog die. I do agree with the fact that best friends do some times get in trouble by talking,playing, not doing work, etc. As you can see I totally DISAGREE!!!!
    3. The person that I think should be the teacher because they know who goof off together. The teacher is in charge of the class, so she should make the choice. some people do great as best buddies. Some work great together and some don't. So I do not agree with this crazy article!!

    1. 1. When I first read this article, I thought it was crazy! Now I feel really bad for the kids in London, England because they can't have friends. The article is totally wrong!
      2. I disagree because half the time in school, you NEED friends. Friends can help you, talk to you, and comfort you. Friends aren't supposed to harm you either.
      3. I think that the teacher should decide. It depends on the students behavior. Also I think the president should choose because what if the teacher didn't know how her students were acting. This is why the president and the teacher should pick if students should have friends or not.

  3. 1. I felt that the sides of the stories makes sience but that would be aginst our rights.

    2. I think that best friends shouldn't be banned. I think this becuase it violates peoples rights and it makes you hang out with people you dont want to.

    3. I think that the princibal cant do that becuase what if that person is mean to you.

  4. 1. When I first saw the piece I said to myself, "This is crazy what are they thinking? Best friend are not supposed to be picked for you. If you want good friend you pick them and you be there friend not be band from them!" These are something I was thinking.

    2. I fully disagree with this. Like I said best friends and friends are not for someone else to pick. I would still try to be best friends with someone. I know one of my Best friends live in Ohio, they will not know that. Also kids will not be happy. Would you want sad unhappy kids or amazing awesome happy kids? Hint, hint I would pick happy amazing awesome kids!! This is how much I disagree.

    3. I think the students should vote on it. I think the kids ideas count too. Like in the Bill of Rights states that we have a freedom of speech. Do you agree? This is what I think should make the decession.

  5. 1.when i read this article it fee like all the people are crazy.
    2.i disagree to ban best friendscause there could be some personel things you want to share with someone but you dont want to share with someone else.
    3.i think the kids should vote about it. ithink its stupid to tell the kids to play with someone else then who you like to play with.

  6. 1. In this article, I felt sorry for the kids in UK and I kind of felt that I needed to argue!

    2. I totally disagree with the opinion that kids shouldn't have best friends. First of all, if you don't have a best friend, you have no one person to rely on and come to. Next, you would be forced to be friends with everybody! That means that you would be forced to be friends with your worst enemy or people you don't particularly like! That would be awful!

    3. I think that the kids should be able to pick who they want to play with. It's not like everyone is going get along perfectly with everyone else.

  7. I felt kind of lucky on this because we get to have
    best friends in school but them do.
    Totally not I really like my best friends in school.
    It doesn't matter who you pick it's your choice

  8. I agree with logo we should be able to pick our friends Matter what!!!!! That is the right way to have freinds I disagree with this article it is reAlly wrong 3 nobody should be able to pol your friends !!

  9. I think that this acticel is crazy! Everyone has the rights to have best friends at school. They have the right to have best friends at school. I think the teacher is right. Best friends help you in life. Lots of people do good with best friends at their school. An some people do bad with best friends at their school :/. But they should still have the right to!!!!!

  10. 1: When i frist read the article i felt really bad for the Children in UK.

    2:I desagree with the decsion to ban kids from being best friends with someone else. I mean i have a best friend and i still have other friends beside her. For goodness sake i don't even play with her during recess. Like it said in the article kids do need someone to tell them their secrets and kids do need to experience the ups and downs of life early because it would probably be easier for them if they know that life isn't sunshine and roses all the time. So as you can see i totally disagree with the decsion to ban best friends from some school.

    3: I think the principal should make the decsion because he/she is the head of that school and i think he/she should make the decsion.

    1. 1:I frist start readin g the artice I felt bad for the kids in the UK.

      I desagree with the desion to ban kids from being best friends with someone elase. When I was littel I hd best friends and other friends to and I played with them, and bffs were not baneed and I had a friend ship circle.Like it said in the article kids do need someone to tell them their secrets and kids do need to experience the ups and downs of life early because it would probably be easier for them if they know that life isn't sunshine and buterflys all the time.
      3:I think the principal should make the decsion because he/she is the head of that school and i think he/she should make the decsion.And they should think about the kids and how there life would be diffrent if there bffs were band.

  11. 1.When I read this article I felt bad becuase they were loseing there best friends.

    2.I disagree with baning best friends because they are pretty much takeing away your brother or sister.

    3.I think the princeipal should decide if they should ban best friends.

  12. 1) Well, I have two answers foor both first it`s awesome to have best friends, but some people may not have best friends. So, it would make them feel bad.I agree with it partly, but I think it's some parts are unfair to the other kids.

    2) I disagree I think best friends should get banned because some people might get left out. However, I do think they should be able to have best friends at home. Just, even though you might be best friends with someone you should just be friends with them, just in canse no-one gets left out. If you tell a serect to your best friend and someone who does not have a best friends sees you telling a serect they might think it`s about them. This is why best friends should be banned, but only at the school. This is why I disagree.

    3) I think you should decide to play with someone. However, you should at least hang with someone different the next day. I would think this becuase one kid might get lonely, sad,and depressed. This is why I think you should pick who you want to play with, but you should at least mix it up.

  13. 1.I totally feel sad for those kids, having a best friend is part of life. some one you can share secrets with and trust.

    2.As you can see I really don't like the idea of not letting kids have best friends. Just because you have a best friend doesn't mean that you don't have other friends. A best friend is just someone closer to you. I barely get to see my best friend, also you can have more than one best friend. I totally disagree with this, this rule is violating our rights as a citizen.

    3.I think that it should be the principal who makes this decision. I think this because they are responsible for what is going on at the school.

  14. marlee/ smiley girlApril 4, 2012 at 5:45 PM

    1. When I frist read this article i felf really bad for the kids in UK and i still do.i also feel really bad for the kids because they cant have a best friend. this article is so crazy.

    2. I desagree with the decison to ban kids from having best friends with someone else.I mean i have a best friend but I still have lots of other friends too. I mean that I dont play with my best friend at recess sometimes. Like the article said kids need someone to tell little secrets and they need to tell their ups and downs to their best friend. Everyone should have the right to have a best friend. I dont like this article at all.

    3. I think the principal should make the decsion because he or she is the head of the school and not some other person should tell them if they can have a best friend or not. maybe the teachers can choose if they can have best friends in the school too.

  15. 2) On the other hand, I would disagree from banning best friends also because it`s like banning you borther or sister, like Brandon said. So, mostly I would disagree from banning best friends. I just gave support for both. This is why I disagree.

    (Sorry, but I forgot some words)

  16. 1) When i first read this article, i wasn't too impressed with the banning friends rule in UK. This rule is really unfair.

    2)If you browse through my opinion on the banning friends rule, you can see that i don't like it at all.I don't like it because, according to the passage, instead of having friends, the teachers are making kids having to be in a certain group,and not playing with who they want to play with. According to the passage, the teachers are doing this because they won't have to deal with "friend break-ups." Even though SOME people agree to this, MANY people don't. The people who don't say it shouldn't be a rule say that kids concentrate more on friends than worrying about break-ups. Another reason why kids should have friends is because, according to the passage, friends can help kids build up their confidence. They can do this by cheering him/her on. But with groups, you can only cheer on 1 person, and not everyone would be motivated. A final reason they should have friends is because you have one person to tell your secrets to. But with groups, everyone will know your secrets!

    3) I think the principal should do something about all this non-sense.I think he should do something about this because, as you can see in my second paragraph, they can play with who they want to,they can be motivated by friends, and they can find a secrets-keeper.

  17. I comepletely agree with Allison. It's like a person banning your own brother or sister. That's just dreadful! I don't care what those British adults say,banning best friends is the worst idea they could ever have and I'm very happy that our country is not doing it.

  18. I didn't even need to read this artical to know that it is a bad idea, but I did anyway.
    1.When I first read this artical I thought wow I don't believe that some schools don't let you have best friends. when you have best friends it can teach you life lessons, what to do in certain situations, it also could teach you economics.
    2.I completally disagree with this situation.
    3.I only believe that your parents can fully controll who you are friends with. I don't believe that anyone should be able to fully controll who your friends are besides your parents.

  19. 1. I felt bad about the kids thaat had to not have best friends 2. i would not wont to have that becuase i like to have a disishon on how i wont to hang out with like i might not like the people that i haft to hang out with 3. i think that you should make the dishishon on how you hang out with becuase no one knows who you rely like alot

  20. 1: I felt that it wasent fare i felt like schools are trying to break friends apart you can have one best friend but hang out with others all together soi felt kindia mad whene i read this article .

    2: I disagreed with this article. I dont think it isfare to take kids away from there best friends. You can still hang out with your best friend wiht other people to you dont have to show you like tho pearson more but u can think i like this pearson better. They mite like theme better because they have known theme for a longer time and spend more time together. So my point is thst i do not agree with this becuse there are ur best friends you can still spend more time with theme.

    3: The kids should make the decison about who should play tigether. Thats who i think should make the chocie

  21. 1. when I first read this article I was amazed that some teachers banned best friends at school.

    2. I disagree, I think all schools should let kids have a best friend at school. Also that someone can't take your friends away from you, its your choice on who you hang out with. for them to really be your best friend you have to get to know them, yo can't do that if the teachers at UK take them away from you.

    3. I think that the kids should make the decision on who they play with. Also that they can play with some people one day, and not some people, because they have that choice. Also what if the teacher puts you with a kid that is mean to you, if that happens you can't do anything about it.
