"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Monday, January 20, 2014

Week of January 20-24

Good afternoon and happy MLK Day!  Here's what's happening this week in 5th grade!

Math Test!!  
There will be a test over fraction concepts on Wednesday.  A study guide was sent home Friday to be completed over the weekend.  Please remind your child to bring their completed study guide to school tomorrow so we can review and I can better address any areas of confusion.

Please remind your child to record their book title and pages read in their agenda every night.  This is taking the place of reading logs this month due to the summaries they must write for literature circles.  If your child has passed XtraMath, I have told the kids they no longer have to do the program.  However, I am going to encourage that kids begin practicing again a few times a week.  I have moved all that have passed onto a slightly more challenging program where they have to answer each fact in 2 seconds rather than 3.  If your child has not passed XtraMath, please encourage them to do it every night.  Learning math facts is so important in 5th grade!  As always, there will still be other homework such as a math or language arts sheet a couple of nights a week.  Please support your child throughout the winter by checking their agenda each night and reminding them to do their assignments.  Your support makes such a huge difference!

This Week's Learning Plan (...assuming there are no snow days!  Fingers crossed!  I'm ready for spring!)

We will review fractions and test on Wednesday.  Then we will begin a new unit on fraction computation beginning with adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers this Thursday and Friday.

Social Studies-Declaring Independence
This week we will be examining reasons the colonists declared independence and we will begin learning about the Revolutionary War.

English Language Arts
We will continue reading about slavery and segue into learning about the Civil War.  This ELA unit is called America in Conflict.  The kids will learn a great deal about the Civil War through reading and writing, beginning this week with researching a conflict or person involved in a conflict relative to the Civil War for a short essay.

During word study, we will also learn important terms related to slavery and the Civil War to deepen the kids' understanding.

Reading-Literature Circles
I have been very pleased with the kids' work on literature circles thus far!  So far, everyone is keeping up with their reading, their literature circle job, and their summaries!  Please feel free to discuss your child's lit. circle book with him/her at home as this well help with comprehension.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.  Have fabulous week!!

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