Welcome back and Happy New Year!! This week's update is short and sweet, but if you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email. I hope you had a nice Winter Break!!
BOB Books
Please have your child bring back the BOB book he/she has checked out tomorrow. Everyone has one checked out and we will be using many of these books for literature circles starting this week.
Upcoming Test
We will have a test over the tensions leading to the Revolutionary War (chapter 10) this Friday. Your child may begin studying using the History Alive tutorial as early as he/she likes. However, it will be homework on Wednesday and Thursday.
Here's what we'll be learning about this week!
Math: We will continue studying fractions as the kids will learn different strategies for renaming fractions as decimals and percents. They will also learn to find the fractional part of a whole.
Social Studies: We will continue the study we began before break about colonial tensions and acts imposed upon the colonists by the British government. These acts eventually lead to the Revolutionary War.
Writing: We are beginning a new ELA unit entitled Conflict in America. During this unit, the kids will read and write about the Civil War. To segue into this, we will begin studying slavery this week. The kids will learn about the different writing perspectives and verb tenses as they begin writing slave journals during their study.
Reading: In support of the Battle of the Books competition and numerous 5th grade reading goals, we will also kick off literature circles this week. The kids will be reading BOB books in groups and completing various activities including book discussions to demonstrate their comprehension of their assigned novel.
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