"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

Friday, November 7, 2014

Week of November 10-14

And our newest Leader of the Week is...
       This week we have been learning all about "sharpening the saw," and Gigi is excellent at using this habit!  Gigi balances her life well between school, play, and extracurricular activities.  She works really hard at home and at school, but still finds time to do the things she loves such as running, reading, and attending church!  Gigi is a great all-around kid who puts her best foot forward in all she does!  Way to go, Gigi!!!  :o)
   Good afternoon, parents!  Your kids were such enthusiastic learners today!  We had a lot to do and they took it all on whole-heartedly with smiling faces!  We wrote a short letter for our comma quiz, made posters to show how each child sharpens the saw, completed decimal multiplication problems, practiced conclusion writing, and even took a social studies test!  Despite all of these tasks, we found ways to make them fun, and the kids were cheerful and hard working!  They've also earned 20 stars again for excellent behavior!  They've chosen to celebrate with 30 extra minutes of recess next Tuesday, and I say they deserve it!  Be sure to tell your child how awesome he/she is tonight because everyone has been working hard in here!
Upcoming Tests
Math Test on Friday over addition, subtraction, and multiplication of whole numbers & decimals
Monday & Tuesday
This coming Monday and Tuesday, I will be out due to a training I've been selected to go to for utilizing technology in the classroom.  I've very excited about all the cool techy things I'll be able to bring back to our class!  If you need to reach, please do so by email as I will not be at school until Wednesday.
Parents, please (if you've not already done so) take a minute to answer the following questions & email your responses to me:
1. Are you receiving the Harmony Newsletter? Please note, that the Harmony Newsletter is sent via email from a noreply account and includes the Principal’s notes, as well as school and community announcements.
2. If you are not receiving the Harmony Newsletter, what is the email address where you would like to receive the Harmony Newsletter?
Teacher Auction Item
The 5th grade team has come up with a really fun Carnival Night for the kids in January to earn money for our classrooms!  If you are interested in signing your child up, the cost is only $10.  Information about this will come home in the Wednesday folder.  Please do not send in any money until Thursday, so you can return it along with the sign up sheet.
Early Release
Wednesday is Early Release!  Please make arrangements for a 12:20pm dismissal.
Skate Party
Planning on going to the skate party at Champs on Wednesday night?  I will be there will 2 of my little guys!  Hope to see you there from 6-8pm!
Here’s what we’re learning next week:
Review of Habit 1:  Put first things first.
Math: In math, we will learn what happens when you multiply 2 decimals less than 1 and we will review whole number and decimal computation using addition, subtraction, and multiplication.  Our test will be on Friday.
Social Studies: We will continue learning about colonization as we delve into the colonial regions!  During this unit, the kids will start learning the differences between the economy, government, and natural resources available to colonists based on where they settled.
Word Study: I've noticed many kids having difficulty with appropriately adding -ed and -ing to verbs in their writing, so we will study the rules for adding -ed and -ing this week.
ELA: In ELA, we will wrap up our Clues to a Culture unit with a written response and we will also practice On Demand opinion writing.
Kelso Lessons:  Mrs. Hammons will also be coming to teach bullying lessons and how to use Kelso's strategies to solve problems.

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