And this week's Leader of the Week is...
was selected as the Leader of the Week this week because he is very proactive
in helping others! If there is a spill
or someone needs help, Tyler is there right away to lend a hand! He works hard to use the habit of “Think
Win-Win” and he loves to “sharpen the saw” by playing baseball! Tyler is a fantastic leader!
Good afternoon, parents! I'm excited to say that I learned so much at the technology training I attended this past Monday and Tuesday! We've already begun trying out some of the things I've learned in the classroom. If you are interested in some of the great plans I have now, you can check out the page on my blog entitled "Technology Tools in the Classroom." This week the kids have begun creating Padlets online to capture the vocabulary they've been learning to go with each colonial region and they've also had the opportunity to use Edmodo a little more for quiz taking and for viewing educational videos to support their learning! If you'd like to see their Padlets, just click on the page I've added to my blog entitled "Our Padlets."
Upcoming Tests
Social Studies Test over the colonial regions on Friday
Quiz over the appropriate way to add -ed and -ing to verbs on Thursday
Husky Helping House
Please check your child's agenda for a letter about Husky Helping House! Our class has adopted a child and we need your help to provide him with a wonderful Christmas!
Food Drive
Please remember to send in canned goods and non-perishables for our Harmony Food Drive!
Teacher Auction Item
The 5th grade team has come up with a really fun Carnival Night that will take place on January 23rd! All money earned will go directly to our classrooms! If you are interested in signing your child up, the cost is only $10. Information about this came home in the Wednesday folder. Please do not send in any money along with the sign up sheet if your child wishes to attend!
Early Release
Wednesday is Early Release! Please make arrangements for a 12:20pm dismissal.
Battle of the Books
On Wednesday, Mrs. Clark will come in to explain the Battle of the Books competition to our class! This is an awesome reading competition in which students try to read as many of the selected titles as possible and then compete to demonstrate their understanding of the books! Students who read 7 or more books are eligible to try out in February for the district level BOB team.
Here’s what we’re learning next week:
Review of Habit 1: Put first things first.
Math: In math, we will begin a new unit on division of whole numbers and decimals.
Social Studies: We will continue to explore the differences between the economy, government, and natural resources available to colonists based on where they settled.
Word Study: We'll continue to study and practice the rules for adding -ed and -ing to verbs.
ELA: In ELA, we will begin a new unit called Renaissance Thinking in which we will work on reading and writing about great Renaissance thinkers as we explore their famous works.
Review of Habit 1: Put first things first.
Math: In math, we will begin a new unit on division of whole numbers and decimals.
Social Studies: We will continue to explore the differences between the economy, government, and natural resources available to colonists based on where they settled.
Word Study: We'll continue to study and practice the rules for adding -ed and -ing to verbs.
ELA: In ELA, we will begin a new unit called Renaissance Thinking in which we will work on reading and writing about great Renaissance thinkers as we explore their famous works.
Kelso Lessons: Mrs. Hammons will also be coming to teach a bullying lesson and how to use Kelso's strategies to solve problems.
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